"My old people used to tell me that the Pallinup was a special river. People used to travel from Broomehill to the old Pallinup Homestead that still exists today and get down on the waterways and hunt and just live along the rivers. The Pallinup, being the longest river we have in our region, was a very popular one, it supported everybody. They'd travel and camp all along the river as I said from the old Pallinup Homestead down through Kybelup, just south of Gnowangerup, even go into Gnowangerup I guess and along to some of those old farms. The one I'm thinking of is owned by a farmer by the name of Alan Stone, his farm was on the [Warperup] river, that's Glenisla, that's just west of Borden. Maileeup of course was a neighbouring property that was a very old established farm where Noongars lived; it was a traditional area for Noongars going way back.
They went from there to the old Magitup Homestead and from Magitup they went on to Salt River, which is just a little bit off that particular line of the river, but they cut across to there. Either side of the river they'd hunt and camp wherever. From the Salt River there was the White Dam Reserve which was nearby another old farm, Moana. Some of them went from there across to Mourcourup, which was owned then by Frank O'Meehan. Then they came back to this other place, Woolaganup, near Amelup, then on to Sandalwood. And of course Mongup too from Mourcourup. Mongup was just a branch off that again [Peenabup Creek] that flowed into the Pallinup. So people used to come in through there.
From Sandalwood they'd go on to another place called Callyanup, that's the Noongars name for it, that farm was owned then by Andrew Wellstead. Then of course they went on to another place called Round Pool. There would have been a place but I can't think of it between Round Pool and Chillinup. And of course once at Chillinup they stayed around the farm longer than they would anywhere else along the river. Moirs owned that farm too.
Some would branch off from there to go to Cape Riche or Boat Harbour and others would continue on to Boxwood Hills. There was an old track that left east of the existing bridge that went straight across into plains country and either to the mouth of the Pallinup or around to Boat Harbour and other spots along the coast."
Aden Eades