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Munglinup River view

Munglinup River joins the Oldfield River eight kilometres from the coast. It flows from the sandplain north of the Highway, and passes through the town of Munglinup.

The river lies generally within a vegetative corridor. The water flows for only short periods each winter, or only negligibly in dry winters, and is naturally brackish to saline.

Further Information:

Ernest P. Hodgkin and Ruth Clark: Estuaries and Coastal Lagoons of South Western Australia: Stokes Inlet, Oldfield Estuary and Ten Others. Environmental Protection Authority, Perth, Western Australia: Estuarine Studies Series No. 5 June 1989.

South Coast Regional Land and Water Care Strategy: The Esperance-Sandplain Sub-region. Prepared by: the South Coast Regional Assessment Panel and the South Coast Regional Initiative Planning Team, February 1997.

Oldfield Catchment 1998. Report prepared for the Oldfield Landcare Group

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