Three sites were sampled on the the Dailey and Duke river systems and one on the Thomas River; they are shown on the map above. Photographs are available for each site:
DAI01 | DAI02 | DAI03 | THO01 |
The temperature of the water at the sites ranged from 14.95 to 18.17°C.
Salinity was lowest in the Dailey River with 5.39ppt recorded at DAI03. The Duke Creek had a similarly low salinity. The Thomas River had a higher salinity of 22.11ppt which is below the salinity of seawater (35ppt).
All the sites had neutral to basic water with pH ranging from 7.64 to 7.88.
Total phosphorus recorded in the water at each site was similar and low ranging from 24 to 49 µg/L. Total nitrogen was similarly low with levels ranging from 320 to 570 µg/L.